3 in 30 check in – September week 3

23 Sep

It’s time for a 3 in 30 check in. {Full details on my September goals here.}

Goal #1 – Clean up my Google Reader account {blogging}

Goal #2 – Clean up my favorites/bookmarks {blogging}

I’ve thus far managed to keep my reader account and bookmarks cleaned up.  I do find it slightly ironic that now that I’ve got things better organized, I’ve been able to keep up with most of my reader favorites outside the reader. The current count is 442 unread posts after 2.5 weeks of not checking it. About half of that are posts I’ve already read or dismissed.  *shrugs*

Goal #3 – Get started on meal planning {meal planning/homemaking}

Our first few days of meal planning went great.  By Wednesday I was faced with unrealistic baking needs for a school night, and changed up the menu.  As a result of the menu changed, I found this awesome Enchilada Rice recipe from Lynn’s Kitchen Adventures.  Made with a homemade enchilada sauce and paired with grated cheese and fresh tortillas, it was a hit.

After that first week though, it went downhill and I was ready to throw in the towel and call it quits.  Well, okay, I kinda did call it quits for a week.  Now that I’ve had a week with meal planning and a week without it, planning is the way to go. I just haven’t figured out how to make it work with financial restrictions that don’t allow for wiggle room.  Hubby is on board with meal planning, but I’m praying that he’ll desire to sit down with me and help plan out the menu. Since he does the finances and he’s the one home to start/supervise the cooking, I think it would go much more smoothly if we worked it out together.

Question for you.

What do you do about the very minor tasks you find that need to be done, like sorting out old chipped jewelry or cleaning out the spice cabinet?   I’m tempted just to do it because it needs to be done and I know it will take all of an hour to finish the job. It seems kind of silly to wait and keep it as a project for a future month.


Posted by on September 23, 2011 in Blogging


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5 responses to “3 in 30 check in – September week 3

  1. Sam (@SamsNoggin)

    September 23, 2011 at 8:17 am

    Great job with the goals. I would just do the jewelry sweep and not put it in the challenge, if it were me. Good luck finding new goals!

  2. Jeanine Byers Hoag @ Dressing My Truth

    September 23, 2011 at 11:18 am

    I think if you feel inspired to do those extra little things that come to mind, go ahead and do them, because who knows how long that inspiration will last?

    At least, that’s what I do. Like this week, I got inspired to clean up and declutter my bedroom. When that was done, I wanted to do my bathroom, too! So I did, because it’s not every day I feel like taking that on :).

    Great progress on your goals! Congratulations!!

  3. auriegood

    September 23, 2011 at 12:08 pm

    You did great!! I am all about meal planning 🙂

    If they are small jobs, I just do them and get them done. If they are going to take longer than a hour (or I need motiavation) I generally make them a goal!

  4. meredith

    September 23, 2011 at 1:05 pm

    Make yourself a to-do notebook or list, where you can write the odd-jobs down and then when you do them, you can put a CHECKMARK in the box!! It feels awesome! And it can be a great place to REMEMBER things that you want to do, because land’s alive, I know how forgetful I am!!

    Good job!
    My reader is out of control since I went back to school.
    Working on it. 🙂

  5. Shawntele

    September 26, 2011 at 1:55 am

    I need to work on my bookmarks/desktop/reader/emails they are always getting out of hand. Just when I think I have them organized and sorted they get crazy overflowing again!

    Good for you on getting it done!!


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